⁉️Why ICB Network ?

Comparison chart between ICB NETWORK PoS-based blockchains and other blockchains using different consensus mechanisms

FeatureICB PoSProof of Work (PoW)Proof of Stake (PoS)Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)

Transaction Speed

High (Fast block times)

Low (Slow block times)

Moderate (Variable block times)

High (Fast block times)

Energy Efficiency

High (Very low energy consumption)

Low (High energy consumption)

Moderate (Variable energy consumption)

Moderate (Variable energy consumption)


High (Delegation upon KYC for projects and investors)

High (Distributed mining power)

Moderate (Variable depending on token distribution)

Low (Centralized validator set)


High (KYC Delegators participation)

High (Proven security track record)

Moderate (Variable depending on staking mechanism)

High (Byzantine fault tolerance)


Direct democracy (Token holders vote for delegates)

Indirect democracy (Miners influence network through hash power)

Variable (Depends on specific PoS implementation)

Limited (Pre-defined validator set)

Cost of Entry

Low (No mining hardware required)

High (Mining hardware and electricity costs)

Moderate (Staking tokens required)

Moderate (Staking tokens or reputation required)


High (Handles large transaction volumes)

Moderate (Limited scalability)

Variable (Depends on specific PoS implementation)

High (Handles large transaction volumes)

Distribution of Rewards

High (KYC Projects/

Stakers take part of gas fee)

Proportional to mining power

Proportional to staked tokens

Fixed or proportional to delegated stake

Vulnerability to Attacks

Not Possible as KYC members Delegates

51% attack on mining power

Double-spend attacks, slashing

Forking, censorship

Last updated